Get variables from CalCOFI API



data frame with columns:

  • category: category, e.g. "Oceanographic"

  • table_field: unique identifier of the variable given by the form of table.field

  • plot_title: title used in a typical time series plot output

  • plot_label: y-axis label used in a typical time series plot output


#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#>   category      table_field       plot_title plot_label plot_color color_palette
#>   <chr>         <chr>             <chr>      <chr>      <chr>      <chr>        
#> 1 Oceanographic ctd_bottles.sali… Salinity   Salinity … purple     Purples      
#> 2 Oceanographic ctd_bottles.o2sat Oxygen Sa… Oxygen pe… blue       Blues        
#> 3 Oceanographic ctd_bottles.t_de… Temperatu… Temperatu… red        Reds         
#> 4 Oceanographic ctd_bottles_dic.… Dissolved… DIC (µmol… brown      YlOrBr